AVweb’s Question of the Week …

This week, AVweb wants to know what our readers are paying for hangar and storage costs. Plus, results from last week’s poll on the widening gap between technology and training.


Last week, AVweb asked readers about the increasing gulf between technology and flight training.  Our readership was split almost evenly across the four points of view.  The most popular response (by a narrow margin, with 34% of the vote) was that pilots are being increasingly trained in high-tech systems, and when those systems go down, newer pilots may not be prepared to fly.  28% of you welcomed technological advances with open arms, while another 17% were wary that we're headed toward a world where pilots will need a type rating for each individual panel box.


This week, AVweb would like hear what our readers are paying for storage and hangar costs. Click here to participate.

Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions to qotw@avweb.com.

Note: This address is only for suggested QOTW questions, and not for QOTW answers.