AVweb’s Question of the Week …

General aviation costs continue to rise. This week, AVweb wants to know if you’ve been priced out of flying. (Yet?) PLUS: Results of last week’s question on eye surgery, corrective lenses, and other methods of improving your vision (both the FAA-approved and the not-so-FAA-approved varieties).


Poor eyesight is no longer the bane of pilots that it once was.  Last week, AVweb asked how many of our readers have taken steps to correct their vision - like the recently FAA-approved procedure known as conductive keratoplasty - and how many of you see just fine without corrective measures.

Over half of those who responded (54%, to be exact) told us they wear corrective lenses and intend to keep doing so for the time being.  Another 22% of our readers told us they wear lenses but are considering corrective surgery.

9% of readers told us they had actually undergone corrective surgery - or another FAA-approved method to improve their vision.

And a mere 13% of our readership said they got along just fine with their natural vision.  (Wish we could all say that!)

As for our slightly "under the table" answers:  1% of readers confessed that they wear corrective lenses but haven't told the FAA, and another 1% say they've have success in improving their vision with "non-approved methods."


General aviation costs continue to rise.  This week, AVweb wants to know if you've been priced out of flying (yet?).

Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions toqotw@avweb.com.

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