AVweb’s Question of the Week …

This week, AVweb wants to give you a quick eye test. Remember, you’re on the honor system. PLUS: Results of last week’s Question on the future of aviation in the U.S.A.


Last week, AVweb asked readers to peer into the future of U.S. aviation and offer up their best predictions - specifically, with regard to privatization, price hikes, and those dreaded user fees.

The biggest segment of our readership (35%) foresaw privatization of both FSS and air traffic control, as well as the advent of user fees.

9% of readers said that, while FSS privatization is on the horizon, user fees won't be coming to the U.S. anytime soon.  But a much larger percentage of our respondent (25%) thought U.S. pilots would be paying user fees for something other than avgas in the near future.

20% of respondents even went so far as to predict they'd give up flying because of fees within the next few years.

The remaining 11% of participants in last week's poll were far more optimistic, reminding us that fuel prices and funding shortfalls are only temporary setbacks - and that the FAA is investing a lot of time and money in the recruitment of a new class of "Sport Pilots" who aren't likely to pay any user fees.


Conductive keratoplasty, radial keratotomy, wavefront Lasik - options for the visually challenged are widening, but not all are approved by the FAA. How's your vision?

Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions toqotw@avweb.com.

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