AVweb’s Question of the Week …
It seems there are those who feel the services pilots receive – from air traffic control to other weather and flight services – do not come with a direct cost. With user fees on the tip of everyone’s tongues, AVweb wants to know how much you’d be willing to pay for these services. PLUS: Results of last week’s question on GPS in the cockpit.
Last week, an AVweb reader wanted to know how the wide availability of global positioning technology has affected pilots' flying habits. Naturally, we put the question to our readers - and got some not-too-surprising results:
A whopping 87% of those who responded told us GPS is their primary navigation aid.
A mere 7% prefer navs and ADF to GPS, while even fewer readers (6% of those polled) rely primarily on paper charts.
Two readers admitted that GPS is too complex for them - or perhaps too much of a hassle to learn - but they weren't enough to make up a full 1% of the sampling. (Sorry, guys.)
It seems there are those who feel the services pilots receive - from air traffic control to other weather and flight services - do not come with a direct cost. With user fees on the tip of everyone's tongues, AVweb wants to know how much you'd be willing to pay for these services.
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