Question of the Week: Very Light Jets – Played Out, or Just Warming Up?
Alan Klapmeier’s dramatic announcement that he’s trying to take over the Cirrus Vision SF 50 program has revived interest in the personal jet market. What’s the future look like for little jets? Plus: Last week, we asked AVweb readers to peer into their crystal balls and enlighten us as to the future of electric airplanes; click through to find out how our readership breaks down into dreamers, curmudgeons, and the steadfastly level-headed.
Last week, we asked AVweb readers to peer into their crystal balls and enlighten us as to the future of electric airplanes.
The results? Not many AVweb are hopeful futurists who believe the day of combustion engines is drawing to a close - although 4% of you are! At the other end of the spectrum, a quarter of those who responded (27%) think there will be little to no commercial application for electric airplanes. The majority of you (58%), however, feel that pistons and turbines will remain the engines of choice despite a few electric-engine success stories.
For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
Alan Klapmeier's dramatic announcement that he's trying to take over the Cirrus Vision SF 50 program has revived interest in the personal jet market. What's the future look like for little jets?
Are there still too many "personal jets" coming to market?
(click to answer)
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