Short Final
Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” Overheard near Greensboro, N.C.:Greensboro Approach:“Cessna One Two Three, fly heading one four zero, left base runway five, keep your speed up, turn it tight and I’ll get you in front of the RJ.”Cessna 123 (hesitating):“Um, turn … base … five … keep the speed up.”Approach:“Pretend you’re an F-15.”Cessna 123:“Uh, OK.”Approach:“You’re not buying it.”

Overheard near Greensboro, N.C.:
Greensboro Approach:
"Cessna One Two Three, fly heading one four zero, left base runway five, keep your speed up, turn it tight and I'll get you in front of the RJ."
Cessna 123 (hesitating):
"Um, turn ... base ... five ... keep the speed up."
"Pretend you're an F-15."
Cessna 123:
"Uh, OK."
"You're not buying it."

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