Short Final

Remind me, again. What did I just say?(Heard at KRFD the other day as we turned to final in a King Air.) Cessna123: Cessna123 ready to go Runway 19. Tower: Hold short for traffic on final. Cessna123: Ready to go 19. Tower: I already told you to hold short. Cessna123: Do you want me to take the runway? Tower: If killing yourself and others is at the top of your agenda today, I’d rather you did it somewhere other than Runway 19, just now. Cessna123: Hold short Runway 19.

Remind me, again. What did I just say?
(Heard at KRFD the other day as we turned to final in a King Air.)

Cessna123: Cessna123 ready to go Runway 19.

Tower: Hold short for traffic on final.

Cessna123: Ready to go 19.

Tower: I already told you to hold short.

Cessna123: Do you want me to take the runway?

Tower: If killing yourself and others is at the top of your agenda today, I'd rather you did it somewhere other than Runway 19, just now.

Cessna123: Hold short Runway 19.