Short Final
While flying a Beech 18 in the late 1960s, my instructor requested take-off clearance in an unusual way: XXX Tower:“Twin Beech N1234 ready to accelerate on runway heading to generate sufficient lift to overcome the effects of gravity.” Without skipping a beat, the tower retorted:“Twin Beech N1234, you are cleared to accelerate on runway heading to generate sufficient lift to overcome the effects of gravity.” Patrick Tallonvia e-mail
While flying a Beech 18 in the late 1960s, my instructor requested take-off clearance in an unusual way:
XXX Tower:
"Twin Beech N1234 ready to accelerate on runway heading to generate sufficient lift to overcome the effects of gravity."
Without skipping a beat, the tower retorted:
"Twin Beech N1234, you are cleared to accelerate on runway heading to generate sufficient lift to overcome the effects of gravity."
Patrick Tallon
via e-mail

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