Special AirVenture Coverage Starts Monday

When your AVwebFlash arrives as usual on Monday, it will signal the launch of AVweb‘s expanded coverage of EAA AirVenture 2006: Cessna LSA update — visit the AVweb.com homepage Monday for an update on Cessna’s LSA concept, unveiled that day at 9:30 a.m. AVwebFlash — check your inbox for issues sent Monday, July 24, Wednesday, July 26, and Friday, July 28, with a wrap-up on Monday, July 31. AVweb Audio — podcasts: listen to three in-depth interviews from the field: Tuesday, July 25; Thursday, July 27; and Saturday, July 29. Access the files (or subscribe) via AVweb.com . Meet the Editors — if you’re at the show, stop by and say hello. Bring your laptop to the show to check in with AVweb and see what you’ve missed. Michael Maya Charles, author of AVweb‘s monthly column “As the Beacon Turns,” will appear at EAA AirVenture on Wednesday, July 26 at 5:30 p.m. in the Sporty’s Pavilion talking about his award-winning new book, “Artful Flying.” More than 10,000 airplanes and 700,000 people are expected to attend. Don’t miss the news.

When your AVwebFlash arrives as usual on Monday, it will signal the launch of AVweb's expanded coverage of EAA AirVenture 2006:

  • Cessna LSA update -- visit the AVweb.com homepage Monday for an update on Cessna's LSA concept, unveiled that day at 9:30 a.m.
  • AVwebFlash -- check your inbox for issues sent Monday, July 24, Wednesday, July 26, and Friday, July 28, with a wrap-up on Monday, July 31.
  • AVweb Audio -- podcasts: listen to three in-depth interviews from the field: Tuesday, July 25; Thursday, July 27; and Saturday, July 29. Access the files (or subscribe) via AVweb.com .
  • Meet the Editors -- if you're at the show, stop by and say hello. Bring your laptop to the show to check in with AVweb and see what you've missed. Michael Maya Charles, author of AVweb's monthly column "As the Beacon Turns," will appear at EAA AirVenture on Wednesday, July 26 at 5:30 p.m. in the Sporty's Pavilion talking about his award-winning new book, "Artful Flying."

More than 10,000 airplanes and 700,000 people are expected to attend. Don't miss the news. For pilots, getting there is half the fun. If you intend to fly in, it's best to be prepared. EAA has plenty of information available online.