Podcast: 9/11 Recordings — Unique Insight
Audio collected on September 11, 2001 has been compiled by the Rutgers Law Review for a presentation titled “A New Type of War.” AVweb has organized a series of recorded segments from that presentation to provide insight into the day from the perspective of the pilots, crew, controllers and military personnel who lived it. The following audio describes or includes some of the final moments for 92 people aboard American Airlines Flight 11; 65 aboard United Airlines Flight 175; 64 aboard American Airlines Flight 77; and 44 aboard United Airlines Flight 93. Your discretion is advised.
Audio collected on September 11, 2001 has been compiled by the Rutgers Law Review for a presentation titled "A New Type of War." AVweb has organized a series of recorded segments from that presentation to provide insight into the day from the perspective of the pilots, crew, controllers and military personnel who lived it. The following audio describes or includes some of the final moments for 92 people aboard American Airlines Flight 11; 65 aboard Flight United Airlines Flight 175; 64 aboard American Airlines Flight 77; and 44 aboard United Airlines Flight 93. Your discretion is advised.
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