Video: Avidyne Announces the IFD440
It’ll be a year before you can get one, but Avidyne announced its plan for a drop-in replacement to the almost ubiquitous Garmin GNS 430. It will have a touchscreen and buttons, as well as advanced capability for two units to work together. This video is brought to you by Sennheiser, Avidyne, Aspen Avionics, and WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather.
It'll be a year before you can get one, but Avidyne announced its plan for a drop-in replacement to the almost ubiquitous Garmin GNS 430. It will have a touchscreen and buttons, as well as advanced capability for two units to work together.
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This video is brought to you by Sennheiser, Avidyne
, Aspen Avionics
, and WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather.

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