Video: Jeppesen Kicks It Up a Notch
The next version of Jeppesen’s iPad app, JeppFD, is pegged for release this September. The new version has an improved user interface better organized around phases of flight. It also includes new tools, such as a night mode and highlighter. The latter version allows you to highlight your assigned taxi route right on an airport diagram, as well as make notes. It will also include much-awaited datalink weather. Jeppesen will also introduce a new pricing structure that will allow for multiple installs of the JeppFD for less money than in the past. This video is brought to you by Bose Corporation, Aviation Insurance Resources, Bendix/King by Honeywell, and ForeFlight.

The next version of Jeppesen's iPad app, JeppFD, is pegged for release this September. The new version has an improved user interface better organized around phases of flight. It also includes new tools, such as a night mode and highlighter. The latter version allows you to highlight your assigned taxi route right on an airport diagram, as well as make notes. It will also include much-awaited datalink weather. Jeppesen will also introduce a new pricing structure that will allow for multiple installs of the JeppFD for less money than in the past.
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This video is brought to you by Bose Corporation, Aviation Insurance Resources
, Bendix/King by Honeywell
, and ForeFlight.

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