Video: Mid-Continent Introduces New SAM Backup Gyro

When glass first appeared a dozen years ago, virtually all of the required backup gyros were of the iron variety – vacuum- or electric-powered. Increasingly, manufacturers are turning to glass backups as well, and at NBAA in Orlando this week, Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics announced its new SAM, a two-inch combined attitude gyro and pitot-static instrument. This video is brought to you by WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather AND Avidyne.

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When glass first appeared a dozen years ago, virtually all of the required backup gyros were of the iron variety - vacuum- or electric-powered. Increasingly, manufacturers are turning to glass backups as well, and at NBAA in Orlando this week, Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics announced its new SAM, a two-inch combined attitude gyro and pitot-static instrument. In addition to providing legal backup, the unit also has a self-contained lithium-ion battery pack cable of of operating the device for at least an hour. In this video from AVweb's NBAA coverage, Mid-Continent's Tom Genovese gives us a brief tour of the SAM.

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This video is brought to you by WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather AND Avidyne.