Aircraft Spruce Holds Canadian Customer Appreciation Event

Aircraft Spruce will hold its annual Canadian Customer Appreciation at its Brantford, Ontario, location this coming Saturday, June 27, at 150 Aviation Ave. at the Brantford Municipal Airport from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be displays and personnel on site from major Spruce suppliers like Champion Aerospace, Concorde, Dynon, Full Lotus, Gill, ICOM, LightSpeed, Navstrobe and Zenair.

Aircraft Spruce will hold its annual Canadian Customer Appreciation at its Brantford, Ontario, location this coming Saturday, June 27, at 150 Aviation Ave. at the Brantford Municipal Airport from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be displays and personnel on site from major Spruce suppliers like Champion Aerospace, Concorde, Dynon, Full Lotus, Gill, ICOM, LightSpeed, Navstrobe and Zenair. The customer appreciation event coincides with a major car and vintage aircraft display held annually at the airport so there is plenty for non-pilot members of the family to do.

There will be numerous promotions and prize giveaways and the winner of the aircraft show and shine contest will win a $100 Aircraft Spruce gift card. The pilot who flies the farthest to attend the event will win a $100 gift card, a 50th anniversary bag, a vintage sign, clock, tow decals, a hat and flashlight. More details can be found at