B-29 FIFI Has Flown Again (With Video)

The Commemorative Air Force’s Boeing B-29 Superfortress flew Thursday morning at Midland International Airport, taking to the air for the first time since 2004 and reclaiming its title as the only flyable aircraft of its type. “She ran like a top,” Paul Stojkov, one of the aircraft’s pilots, said of the aircraft’s 39-minute flight. The hop was made possible by volunteer work, the support of the CAF team and financial contributors like Jim Cavanaugh. That combination saw FIFI fitted with new custom-built engines that combine the R-3350-95W and R-3350-26WD engines. FIFI’s next flight is expected on Saturday, Aug. 7, and visitors are invited.

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The Commemorative Air Force's Boeing B-29 Superfortress flew Thursday morning at Midland International Airport, taking to the air for the first time since 2004 and reclaiming its title as the only flyable aircraft of its type. "She ran like a top," Paul Stojkov, one of the aircraft's pilots, said of the aircraft's 39-minute flight. The hop was made possible by volunteer work, the support of the CAF team and financial contributors like Jim Cavanaugh. That combination saw FIFI fitted with new custom-built engines that combine the R-3350-95W and R-3350-26WD engines. FIFI's next flight is expected on Saturday, Aug. 7, and visitors are invited.

Saturday at 7 a.m., the CAF Airpower Museum will open to those interested in watching preflight preparations. Tickets for the museum cost $10 and, on the 7th, visitors will be ushered to the museum's main hangar for "an up-close view" prior to the flight. Watch the CAF's video clip at right.