Correction And Clarification

A story that appeared in the Oct. 6 edition of AVwebFlash incorrectly stated that SD Holdings LLC owns FlightPrep. FlightPrep was dissolved in 2012 and a new company, FlightPrep Inc., established in 2012. FlightPrep Inc., is in fact owned by Ross Neher, the general manager and vice president of the former FlightPrep. AVweb interviewed Neher in is former capacity in 2010. AVweb apologizes for the error.

A story that appeared in the Oct. 6 edition of AVwebFlash incorrectly stated that SD Holdings, LLC owns FlightPrep. FlightPrep was dissolved in 2012 and a new company, FlightPrep Inc., established that year. FlightPrep Inc. is in fact owned by Ross Neher, the general manager and vice president of the former FlightPrep. AVweb interviewed Neher in his former capacity in 2010. AVweb apologizes for the error.