Gippsland Revives Nomad Bush Twin

An icon in Australian aviation is about to be reborn. Following a ceremony at Latrobe Regional Airport, the type certificate for the Nomad twin turboprop was handed over from Boeing Australia to Gippsland Aeronautics Pty Ltd. (GA). GA purchased the certification of the aircraft along with technical and spares sales support and all intellectual property for the aircraft. Development of the new Nomad aircraft is planned to be a global affair, catering toward remote area operations like GA’s already highly successful aircraft, the GA-8 Airvan.

An icon in Australian aviation is about to be reborn. Following a ceremony at Latrobe Regional Airport, the type certificate for the Nomad twin turboprop was handed over from Boeing Australia to Gippsland Aeronautics Pty Ltd. (GA). GA purchased the certification of the aircraft along with technical and spares sales support and all intellectual property for the aircraft. Development of the new Nomad aircraft is planned to be a global affair, catering toward remote area operations like GA's already highly successful aircraft, the GA-8 Airvan.

The Nomad is expected to be exported to markets with mountainous and remote areas for use as a light aircraft workhorse by mining industries operating in inaccessible areas. "The Nomad is an aircraft that is a part of Australia's aviation history," said the Federal Minister for Trade Hon Simon Crean MP. "It was originally designed and manufactured by the Government Aircraft Factories in Melbourne, but GA will develop a new aircraft for the 21st century." Two Australian operators have already sent letters of intent to GA for the Nomad, one being Australia's biggest private aviation tour operator, and the other specializing in air freight operations.