Hoover Celebration Set For Next Week
Admirers and friends of aviator Bob Hoover will come together next week at the Van Nuys Airport, in California, to celebrate his life and legacy. The event, set for Friday, Nov. 18, from 2 to 4 p.m., is free and open to all, but online pre-registration is required. The program will be hosted by Clay Lacy at his FBO facility at the airport, and masters of ceremonies will be Sean D. Tucker and air-show announcer Danny Clisham.

Admirers and friends of aviator Bob Hoover will come together next week at the Van Nuys Airport, in California, to celebrate his life and legacy. The event, set for Friday, Nov. 18, from 2 to 4 p.m., is free and open to all, but online preregistration is required. The program will be hosted by Clay Lacy at his FBO facility at the airport, and masters of ceremonies will be Sean D. Tucker and airshow announcer Danny Clisham. After the program, snacks and refreshments will be provided. Parking at the FBO is on a first-come, first-served basis, the organizers said.
Hoover's extraordinary life included flying in World War II, test-flying for the Air Force and performing a unique airshow act demonstrating the laws of aerodynamics with a twin Shrike Commander. He died on Oct. 25 at age 94. He had recently attended the Reno air races, and has been described by many as "the best stick and rudder man who ever lived." He flew more than 300 types of aircraft in his career. He was the first to fly the XFJ-2 Fury Jet and the T-28 trainer. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Soldier's Medal, the Air Medal and the Purple Heart, and was named to the National Aviation Hall of Fame. According to the Reno air races website, "Bob was an aviation pioneer, a hero, and a great man."