Little Rock Business Aviation Association Takes Flight

The Little Rock Business Aviation Association has taken flight as a new trade group. The nonprofit organization says it represents the interests of business aviation at Adams Field in Little Rock. The group is composed of representatives from several prominent companies that operate aircraft at Adams Field.

The Little Rock Business Aviation Association has taken flight as a new trade group. The nonprofit organization says it represents the interests of business aviation at Adams Field in Little Rock. The group is composed of representatives from several prominent companies that operate aircraft at Adams Field. The new association's officers are Jerry Cook of Stephens Inc., chairman; Jim Brown of Dillard's Inc., vice chairman; and Elizabeth Glasbrenner of Smiley Investments, secretary/treasurer. Board members include Bob East of East-Harding Inc., group spokesman; John Ferrari of Acxiom Corp.; Carl Finch of Smiley Investments; Larry McKinney of Lexicon Inc.; and David Paul of Alltel Corp. Walter Smiley of Smiley Investments and Bill Goff of Stephens Inc. also are founding members.