NATA: “FAA Overreached” With AMI Suspension
The FAA’s emergency suspension and revocation of the air carrier certificate held by AMI Jet Charter has left NATA President James Coyne with a “sense” that in its action, “the FAA overreached” its authority. In target=”_blank”>a letter to NATA members, Coyne contrasted the FAA’s own requirements (to act only if “an emergency exists related to safety in air commerce”) with the fact that the FAA investigated accident/incident-free AMI for seven months before issuing the “emergency” suspension. Coyne takes aim in the letter at the FAA Chief Counsel’s office, “which in recent years has not always acted solely in the public interest,” and the FAA’s failure to maintain responsibility for operational control oversight outside of that office. He further laments the apparent fact that current circumstance may prevent public disclosure of any meaningful details regarding the FAA/AMI revocation incident.

The FAA's emergency suspension and revocation of the air carrier certificate held by AMI Jet Charter has left NATA President James Coyne with a "sense" that in its action, "the FAA overreached" its authority. In target="_blank">a letter to NATA members, Coyne contrasted the FAA's own requirements (to act only if "an emergency exists related to safety in air commerce") with the fact that the FAA investigated accident/incident-free AMI for seven months before issuing the "emergency" suspension. Coyne takes aim in the letter at the FAA Chief Counsel's office, "which in recent years has not always acted solely in the public interest," and the FAA's failure to maintain responsibility for operational control oversight outside of that office. He further laments the apparent fact that current circumstance may prevent public disclosure of any meaningful details regarding the FAA/AMI revocation incident. Sentient Flight Group has announced that it is acquiring TAG Aviation and AMI. Under Sentient, AMI will cease to exist as a brand so actions taken against it by the FAA are no longer relevant.