Red Bull Air Race Cruises Through Windsor
Click for photosThe Red Bull Air Race’s last stop in North America for 2009 took place last weekend on the Detroit River between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan. British pilot Paul Bonhomme narrowly took home the first-place trophy, narrowly beating out Austrian Hannes Arch by 1.15 seconds in the final round. The Red Bull Air Race World Series continues on with their next stop in Budapest, Hungary on August 19.

The Red Bull Air Race's last stop in North America for 2009 took place last weekend on the Detroit River between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan. British pilot Paul Bonhomme narrowly took home the first-place trophy, narrowly beating out Austrian Hannes Arch by 1.15 seconds in the final round. The Red Bull Air Race World Series continues on with their next stop in Budapest, Hungary on August 19.

Editorial StaffAVweb
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