Red Bull Skydiver, Extra 300 In Formation

In what Red Bull referred to as “an incredible synchronized moment,” a pilot in an aerobatic Extra 300SR flew “in formation” with a skydiver recently in the skies above the Czech Republic — and of course, the moment is captured in video. Pilot Martin Sonka, a former pilot with the Czech Air Force who has competed in the Red Bull Air Races, flew “within arm’s reach” of skydiver Peter Mestak, according to Red Bull. This isn’t the first time Red Bull has experimented with various types of aircraft and divers flying together.


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In what Red Bull referred to as "an incredible synchronized moment," a pilot in an aerobatic Extra 300SR flew "in formation" with a skydiver recently in the skies above the Czech Republic -- and of course, the moment is captured in video. Pilot Martin Sonka, a former pilot with the Czech Air Force who has competed in the Red Bull Air Races, flew "within arm's reach" of skydiver Peter Mestak, according to Red Bull. This isn't the first time Red Bull has experimented with various types of aircraft and divers flying together.

In May, the company released a video showing five wingsuit skydivers joining up with and maintaining formation with two sailplanes, over Austria. In 2010, a Red Bull skydiver climbed out of a glider, hung from under the wing, and then hitched a ride on the wing of a second glider passing underneath. The lead pilot later explained to AVweb's Paul Bertorelli how he did it.