Rockwell Collins Sheds 400 Jobs
It’s not just airframers feeling the pinch from the current economic situation. Avionics giant Rockwell Collins has announced the layoff of 300 employees in operations and the termination of 100 contract employees, most of them in engineering. “Like many other companies, we’re dealing with significant challenges in meeting our business objectives,” CEO Clay Jones said in news release. The company blamed the recent Boeing strike for a delay in orders, plus the general economic conditions.

It's not just airframers feeling the pinch from the current economic situation. Avionics giant Rockwell Collins has announced the layoff of 300 employees in operations and the termination of 100 contract employees, most of them in engineering. "Like many other companies, we're dealing with significant challenges in meeting our business objectives," CEO Clay Jones said in news release. The company blamed the recent Boeing strike for a delay in orders, plus the general economic conditions.
The company is also delaying raises for most employees for three months and putting off hiring for existing vacancies. The Cedar Rapids, Iowa, plant is hardest hit with 175 job losses. Rockwell Collins has a generally positive outlook for the coming year and is characterizing the current situation as short-term.