Senators Trying To Stop AirVenture Controller Fees
EAA is rallying the troops to encourage Senate action to block an FAA proposal to collect expenses for the controllers that staff AirVenture. In a bulletin to EAA members, EAA Chairman Jack Pelton urged members to contact their local representatives and ask them to sign a letter being circulated among senators (PDF) calling on the FAA to abandon the plan. But Pelton also said there was no time to waste since the letters were being collected for presentation to FAA Administrator Michael Huerta by close of business on Tuesday. EAA has set up a petition website.

EAA is rallying the troops to encourage Senate action to block an FAA proposal to collect expenses for the controllers that staff AirVenture. In a bulletin to EAA members, EAA Chairman Jack Pelton urged members to contact their local representatives and ask them to sign a letter being circulated among senators (PDF) calling on the FAA to abandon the plan. But Pelton also said there was no time to waste since the letters were being collected for presentation to FAA Administrator Michael Huerta by close of business on Tuesday. EAA has set up a petition website.

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