Video Of Ford’s Taxiway Landing Emerges

Surveillance video of Harrison Fords miscue at John Wayne International Airport in California last week shows the Husky he was flying clear an American Airlines Boeing 737 by about 50 feet.

Surveillance video of Harrison Ford's miscue at John Wayne International Airport in California last week shows the Husky he was flying clear an American Airlines Boeing 737 by about 50 feet. As we reported last week, the celebrity pilot is under investigation by the FAA for landing on a taxiway instead of one of the airport's parallel runways. Click through for the video.

In the video, the 737 stops abruptly, perhaps on its way to the hold line for the runway that Ford was supposed to land on, as the little yellow bush plane flies overhead to a wheelie on the taxiway. Ford hasn't commented publicly about the incident but it has lit up both mainstream and social media and the video has ignited more interest.