FreeFlight’s All-in-One ADS-B
If would-be buyers of required ADS-B equipment are confused about potential choices, FreeFlight Systems says it has the answer in its all-in-one box that provides ADS-B In and Out and a wireless link to put weather and traffic on a cockpit tablet.

ADS-B products continue to perk along and at AEA in Nashville, FreeFlight Systems announced the certification of its RANGR 978 UAT ADS-B solution with an approved model list totaling more than 400 aircraft. The RANGR, at a list price of $5495, provides both ADS-B In and Out solutions in a single box, along with a wireless adapter that converts the RANGR's serial data to wirelessly send weather and traffic to an onboard tablet. The RANGR can also feed to panel-mount displays. For more, see this exclusive AVweb video shot at AEA.

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