Picture of the Week

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb’s home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our “Picture of the Week.” Gary Glenn of Shepparton, Victoria (Australia) made our stomach drop with this great angle-of-ascent shot – and in return, we’re naming Gary’s photo our “Picture of the Week.” Watch your mailbox, Gary – we’ll be sending an official AVweb baseball cap your way in the next couple of days!

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week."

Want to see your photos featured? Submit them here!

A quick note for submitters: If you've got severalphotos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submitthem one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeingprint on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier onus, too. ;)


Maybe it's the winter weather, but "Picture of the Week"submissions dipped again this week, with just over 50 pictures findingtheir way to our inbox. (!) We have to ask: Iseveryone O.K. out there? Is the flu going around, or were you justkeeping busy last week? Not to sound like ingrates, but gettingupwards of 100 photos in our submission box every week has spoiled us. If you have timethis coming week, please - feel free to lavish your amazing photos onus!

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Used with permission of Gary Glenn

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Used with permission of Gary Glenn

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Used with permission of Gary Glenn

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Used with permission of Gary Glenn

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Used with permission of Gary Glenn

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Used with permission of Gary Glenn

Glasair III Climbing from Shepparton, Australia

Gary Glenn of Shepparton, Victoria(Australia) made our stomach drop with this great angle-of-ascent shot -and in return, we're naming Gary's photo our "Picture of the Week."

Watch your mailbox, Gary - we'll be sending an official AVwebbaseball cap your way in the next couple of days!

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Used with permission of Gary Glenn

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Used with permission of Gary Glenn

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Used with permission of Gary Glenn

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Used with permission of Gary Glenn

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Used with permission of Gary Glenn

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Used with permission of Gary Glenn

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Used with permission of Gary Glenn

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Used with permission of Gary Glenn

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Used with permission of Gary Glenn

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission


No, it's not the J. Geils Band. It's occasional "POTW" contributorDaniel Valovich of Hot Spring,Arkansas, justifying all that dough he's dropped on camera equipmentwith the assertion "this is where those long lenses pay off."

Daniel could be right, too. Check out the Blue Angels inhigherresolution, and you may just find that you've got a new desktopwallpaper image.

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Lee Hogan
Used with permission

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copyright Lee Hogan
Used with permission

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copyright Lee Hogan
Used with permission

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copyright Lee Hogan
Used with permission

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copyright Lee Hogan
Used with permission

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copyright Lee Hogan
Used with permission

Close Formation - Or a Really Good Telephoto Lens?

Speaking of the larger versions of "POTW" photos, we almost didn't run this shot from Lee Hoganof Addison, Illinois - but then we read Lee's note and realized thatRipper here isn't on the ground at all:

If you really want to see how close this was, justenlargethe picture and take a look at the photo plane (a 172) in thereflection of the gold lens. Smooth air really helps!

A steady hand doesn't hurt either, Lee! Great work on the photo, and thanks for sharing.

(If the spirit of sharing has overwhelmed you, cruise on over toour submission page and send usa couple of photos. We're anxious to see 'em!)

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copyright Lee Hogan
Used with permission

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copyright Lee Hogan
Used with permission

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copyright Lee Hogan
Used with permission

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copyright Lee Hogan
Used with permission

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copyright Lee Hogan
Used with permission

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copyright Lee Hogan
Used with permission

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copyright Lee Hogan
Used with permission

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copyright Lee Hogan
Used with permission

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copyright Lee Hogan
Used with permission

As always, you'll find more photos to slake your thirst for airplanephotography in our POTW slideshow atAVweb.com. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy!

To enter next week's contest,click here.

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider thesource of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest.If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeedauthorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain,consult thePOTWRules orsend us an e-mail.