Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

As you’ll notice when you hit up our jam-packed “POTW” slideshow (on AVweb‘s home page), widespread summer showers in North America have inspired dozens of outstanding reader photos over the last two weeks. Not all of our submissions are rain-soaked and stormy, though. Some readers, likeAndy Nielsen of Blaine, Minnesota, know where to find the rainbows and silver linings. And our new best friend Andy is a man after our own heart: “After the storms rolled through” one afternoon, he headed down “to the airport to watch the sunset – and picked up an ice cream along the way.”

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


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Used with permission of Andy Nielsen

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Used with permission of Andy Nielsen

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Used with permission of Andy Nielsen

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Used with permission of Andy Nielsen

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Used with permission of Andy Nielsen

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Used with permission of Andy Nielsen

Good Place to Watch the Weather

Andy Nielsen of Blaine, Minnesota is a man after our own heart. "After the storms rolled through" one afternoon, Andy headed down "to the airport to watch the sunset - and picked up an ice cream along the way."

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Used with permission of Andy Nielsen

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Used with permission of Andy Nielsen

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Used with permission of Andy Nielsen

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Used with permission of Andy Nielsen

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Used with permission of Andy Nielsen

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Used with permission of Andy Nielsen

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Used with permission of Andy Nielsen

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Used with permission of Andy Nielsen

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Used with permission of Andy Nielsen

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Used with permission of Dave Lerond

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Used with permission of Dave Lerond

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Used with permission of Dave Lerond

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Used with permission of Dave Lerond

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Used with permission of Dave Lerond

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Used with permission of Dave Lerond

B737NG Thrust Levers

CFII Dave Lerond of Lauderdale Lakes, Florida has logged his shared of hours in the cockpit and just finished his B737NG type rating. Fortunately for us, he used the down time during his training to snap a few photos.

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Used with permission of Dave Lerond

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Used with permission of Dave Lerond

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Used with permission of Dave Lerond

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Used with permission of Dave Lerond

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Used with permission of Dave Lerond

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Used with permission of Dave Lerond

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Used with permission of Dave Lerond

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Used with permission of Dave Lerond

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Used with permission of Dave Lerond

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Used with permission of Doug Moler

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Used with permission of Doug Moler

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Used with permission of Doug Moler

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Used with permission of Doug Moler

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Used with permission of Doug Moler

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Used with permission of Doug Moler

Two Thirsty Birds

Doug Moler of Valley Center, Kansas joined up with a media ride-along from Wichita's McConnell Air Force Base and enjoyed a sight most of us don't get to ogle first-hand. Gentleman that he is, Doug even thought about his friends at AVweb and sent us a couple of the photos.

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Used with permission of Doug Moler

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Used with permission of Doug Moler

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Used with permission of Doug Moler

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Used with permission of Doug Moler

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Used with permission of Doug Moler

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Used with permission of Doug Moler

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Used with permission of Doug Moler

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Used with permission of Doug Moler

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Used with permission of Doug Moler

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Used with permission of
Andrew B. McVicker

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Used with permission of
Andrew B. McVicker

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Used with permission of
Andrew B. McVicker

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Used with permission of
Andrew B. McVicker

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Used with permission of
Andrew B. McVicker

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Used with permission of
Andrew B. McVicker

Shaking Off the Morning Dew

Andrew McVicker of Grass Valley, California had his Canon 40 handy when this C-180 made its departure from the Back Country Pilot Fly-In at Johnson Creek, Idaho. Because the pilot took off "before all the dew had evaporated off his wings ... there was spray everywhere. The air was so humid, this shot captured vortices off his prop, as well."

Ah, summer ... !

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Used with permission of
Andrew B. McVicker

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Used with permission of
Andrew B. McVicker

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Used with permission of
Andrew B. McVicker

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Used with permission of
Andrew B. McVicker

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Used with permission of
Andrew B. McVicker

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Used with permission of
Andrew B. McVicker

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Used with permission of
Andrew B. McVicker

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Used with permission of
Andrew B. McVicker

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Used with permission of
Andrew B. McVicker

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Used with permission of Diana Richards

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Used with permission of Diana Richards

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Used with permission of Diana Richards

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Used with permission of Diana Richards

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Used with permission of Diana Richards

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Used with permission of Diana Richards

Stormy Flying

As you've noticed here - and will see more of when you hit up our jam-packed "POTW" slideshow (on AVweb's home page) - widespread summer showers in North America have inspired dozens of reader photos over the last two weeks.

Diana Richards of Jasper, Missouri represents all those thunderclouds, downpours, and rainbows that didn't make it into this week's Top Five with a photo that - along with Diana's comment, "She was the only airplane flying on a stormy Sunday morning" - brought a huge smile to our face.

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Used with permission of Diana Richards

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Used with permission of Diana Richards

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Used with permission of Diana Richards

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Used with permission of Diana Richards

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Used with permission of Diana Richards

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Used with permission of Diana Richards

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Used with permission of Diana Richards

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Used with permission of Diana Richards

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Used with permission of Diana Richards

You'll find more reader-submitted photos in the slideshow on AVweb's home page. It's a beautiful assortment this week, including a trifecta from prolific submitters George Mock, Gary Dikkers, and Daniel Valovich that it almost broke our heart to leave out of the Top Five. But hey - if we must bear the burden of too many talented readers who like to send us photos, so be it.

And speaking of talented readers who like sending us things: Click here if you have a photo you'd like share with the rest of the world. At the very least, you'll brighten up a very busy Wednesday around the AVweb office.


A quick note for submitters: If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult the POTW Rules or or send us an e-mail.