Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase
Our latest winning photo comes from Christopher DeSalvo of Marion, IA. Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions.

Jet Wash
Regional jet on approach to KMSN. Taken in DeForest, Wisconsin.
Taken with a borrowed Nikon D90 with an 80-400mm at 400mm. 1/125s, f/5.6, ISO 200. Resized to less than 1 MB with no other manipulations.

Sunset Sortie
The CAF Heart of America Wing's Stearman out for some evening exercise.
Considerable Photoshop to control contrast.

Flying Just North of Bakersfield
Photo was taken with an iPhone 4 and was slightly cropped.

1941 Staggerwing at Beechcraft Heritage Museum (Tullahoma, Tennessee)
Shot with Canon 5D Mk II; Canon 28mm-300mmL series zoom lens.

Precious Cargo
January 5, 2013. Delivering from Falcon Field, Arizona to Show Low, Arizona via Piper Cherokee.
Camera: W220 Sony Cybershot.
No adjustments to photo.

Ahhh - Magnificent End to a Late-Day Flight!
No photo touch-ups - just Mother Nature and a 1948 Piper Vagabond reveling in their glowing grandeur!

Oh! I Have Slipped the Surly Bonds of Earth ...
It is hard not to think of the poem "High Flight," written by John G. Magee on September 3, 1941, with the clear blue sky.
Taken at the Caesar Creek Soaring Club in southwest Ohio.
As shot with Kodak DX6490.