Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb’s home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our “Picture of the Week.” “POTW” submissions climb back into the skies this week, with more great photos rolling into our submission box. So many new photos, in fact, that we’re running a little behind this week, so we’ll jump right in with little fanfare. This week’s top photo is also our “suggested desktop wallpaper of the week,” and it comes to us from the prolific Josh Cawthra.

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


"POTW" submissions climb back into the skies this week,with more great photos rolling into our submission box. So manynew photos, in fact, that we're running a little behind this week, sowe'll jump right in with little fanfare. This week's top photo isalso our "suggested desktop wallpaper of the week," and it comes to usfrom the prolific Josh Cawthra.

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copyright Josh Cawthra
Used with permission

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copyright Josh Cawthra
Used with permission

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copyright Josh Cawthra
Used with permission

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copyright Josh Cawthra
Used with permission

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copyright Josh Cawthra
Used with permission

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copyright Josh Cawthra
Used with permission

Springtime in Alaska

Ah, springtime! Josh Cawthraof Fairhope, Alabama snapped this pic in Lake Hood, where the frost haslifted and Piper Cubs are gearing up for flying season.

Josh has submitted some fantastic photos to our contest over the lastseveral months, and we're very happy to (finally!) send him one of ourbrand-new sandstone AVweb ball caps. At least he'll havesomething to keep the sun from his eyes while he's out there shootingmore pics for us!

(We're never satisfied. We know.)

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copyright Josh Cawthra
Used with permission

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copyright Josh Cawthra
Used with permission

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copyright Josh Cawthra
Used with permission

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copyright Josh Cawthra
Used with permission

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copyright Josh Cawthra
Used with permission

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copyright Josh Cawthra
Used with permission

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copyright Josh Cawthra
Used with permission

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copyright Josh Cawthra
Used with permission

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copyright Josh Cawthra
Used with permission

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copyright John Payne
Used with permission

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copyright John Payne
Used with permission

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copyright John Payne
Used with permission

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copyright John Payne
Used with permission

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copyright John Payne
Used with permission

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copyright John Payne
Used with permission

En Route from Whitehorse, BC to Anchorage, AK

Speaking of Alaskans and airplanes and great-looking photos - here's anincredible in-flight shot from John Payneof Anchorage, Alaska.

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copyright John Payne
Used with permission

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copyright John Payne
Used with permission

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copyright John Payne
Used with permission

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copyright John Payne
Used with permission

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copyright John Payne
Used with permission

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copyright John Payne
Used with permission

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copyright John Payne
Used with permission

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copyright John Payne
Used with permission

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copyright John Payne
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Thomas Auerbach

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Used with permission of Thomas Auerbach

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Used with permission of Thomas Auerbach

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Used with permission of Thomas Auerbach

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Used with permission of Thomas Auerbach

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Used with permission of Thomas Auerbach

Let's Get Started

Thomas Auerbach of Ponca City,Oklahoma is another "POTW" alum who shows up in our submission box fromtime to time. Here, Merl Helt does the prop honors for Steve McGuire's Baby Ace.

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Used with permission of Thomas Auerbach

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Used with permission of Thomas Auerbach

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Used with permission of Thomas Auerbach

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Used with permission of Thomas Auerbach

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Used with permission of Thomas Auerbach

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Used with permission of Thomas Auerbach

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Used with permission of Thomas Auerbach

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Used with permission of Thomas Auerbach

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Used with permission of Thomas Auerbach

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copyright Cirrus Design Corp.
Used with permission of Kate Dougherty

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copyright Cirrus Design Corp.
Used with permission of Kate Dougherty

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copyright Cirrus Design Corp.
Used with permission of Kate Dougherty

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copyright Cirrus Design Corp.
Used with permission of Kate Dougherty

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copyright Cirrus Design Corp.
Used with permission of Kate Dougherty

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copyright Cirrus Design Corp.
Used with permission of Kate Dougherty

"Age 65 Rule?" Puh-lease.

At 103 years old (104 this Sunday!), Rose Marie Schiltz took herfirst flight in a brand-new Cirrus SR22-G3.

Thanks to Cirrus Design's Kate Dougherty(of Duluth, Minnesota), who took time to submit this photo - probablyknowing there was no way we could pass it up. As Kate points out,Rose is seven months older than human flight, so (to our way ofthinking), it's the airline industry that's finally catching up to her lead.

Happy 104th, Rose! And to the rest of you -send morepictures! :)

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copyright Cirrus Design Corp.
Used with permission of Kate Dougherty

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copyright Cirrus Design Corp.
Used with permission of Kate Dougherty

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copyright Cirrus Design Corp.
Used with permission of Kate Dougherty

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copyright Cirrus Design Corp.
Used with permission of Kate Dougherty

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copyright Cirrus Design Corp.
Used with permission of Kate Dougherty

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copyright Cirrus Design Corp.
Used with permission of Kate Dougherty

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copyright Cirrus Design Corp.
Used with permission of Kate Dougherty

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copyright Cirrus Design Corp.
Used with permission of Kate Dougherty

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copyright Cirrus Design Corp.
Used with permission of Kate Dougherty

Is you desire for aviation pics as insatiable as ours? Point your favoriteweb browser at AVweb's home pageand to see all the photos we couldn't squeeze in here!

To enter next week's contest,click here.

A quick note for submitters: If you've got severalphotos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submitthem one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeingprint on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier onus, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider thesource of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest.If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeedauthorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain,consult thePOTWRules orsend us an e-mail.