Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase
This week’s winning photo comes from Rachel Ficker of Marine, IL. Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions.

1,000-Foot Roll
Canilla, Guatemala. Related video here. Slight contrast adjustment. Canon Powershot sx130is.

Lights on at EAA
Taken at the 2011 EAA night air show with a Nikon 300 and four-second shutter speed. These make one-of-a-kind photos that would be impossible to duplicate. No adjustments other than slight cropping. A lot of shots weren't that exciting, but a few turned out interesting.

1957 Comanche on a ferry flight from northern Michigan, near Lafayette, Indiana. Great sunset going on out of the right side; glanced left and noticed this. Next time, I'll know to wipe that mirror clean before taking off. Cannon SX20is; cropped and resized to send.

Ain't Misbehavin' at Rest
Corel Photo Shop Pro auto color/contrast compensation. Cropped. Shot with Nikon Coolpix P100.

Elkhart Warbird Weekend
Flying formation with the pros at the Elkhart Warbird Weekend, October 7, 2011. I got a lucky back seat ride to see how good they are! Taken with my iPhone.

A Little Help for Heaven
After take-off from Montricher Air Field just before sunset. Photo taken with a Pentax K20D camera at 1/500 sec, f 9.5, focal length 250 mm. The file was just slightly cropped. No other modification.

Black Rock Desert Camp-Out
The Black Rock Desert, home to the Burning Man Festival. An amazing fly-in, is also a wonderfully beautiful location for solitude and quiet. Photo taken with a Casio EX-S500 as the morning's first direct light came across the playa and the plane.

Only in America
My Thunder Mustang built over six years. I was born in the U.K. but moved to the U.S.A. to pursue the American Dream. (There is no concept of the "British Dream.") After a successful software company, I built Only in America.

Formation Flight at AirVenture
Cleaning out my SD card I found this again: Break, approaching the flightline crowd at OSH on July 26. Image as shot (Olympus E-650, 316mm, 1/800, F8.0), just reduced in size.

Star-Spangled Wing Root
A shot of the Thomas H. Davis Pacemaker DC-3 at the Carolinas Aviation Musuem in Charlotte, North Carolina. No maniplulation; shot with Sony digital camera.

Blriot XI "Queen Monoplane"
The EAA's reproduction of a 1911 Blriot XI "Queen Monoplane" at AirVenture 2011. Image cropped for composition. Nikon D90.

1954 Cessna 170B Flying Out of Chatham Airport (Ontario, Canada)
This is my 1954 Cessna 170B. Leaving the Chatham Airport after a fly-in breakfast, returning home. Picture was taken by George Mock, the official camera man for the EAA 185 at the time. Great photo, George! Thanks.

Cumulus Faces
There are two faces (upper right and left of center) that look to be reaching to catch this 172 on short final.

The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of
Photo taken in the parking lot of the Museum of Flight, Seattle, on October 9, 2011, with a Sony DSC-W150. Using GIMP, I edited the saturation and color curve, sharpened, used gaussian blur around the edges, created a vinette, and added the black bars on top and bottom.
Ed. Note: You've gotta click the link to see this one at its original size, folks. And if you have a two-monitor set-up, stretch it across both desktops!

Big Hoos and Little Joe
No manipulations. Used a Sony HX1. Shot during afternoon air show at Oshkosh 2011.

Ready Reserve
MacDill Air Force Base air show, 2007. Shot has been enhanced in Photoshop for clarity. Canon 20d.