Short Final: Reroute!
As soon as Hurricane Irma had moved inland north of Florida, there was a lot of traffic heading east back into the Florida panhandle from the Gulf Coast; you could see the line of traffic on ADS-B stretching for miles.
As soon as Hurricane Irma had moved inland north of Florida, there was a lot of traffic heading east back into the Florida panhandle from the Gulf Coast; you could see the line of traffic on ADS‑B stretching for miles. ATC called each aircraft in sequence:
ATC: Cessna 123, you get a reroute. Advise ready to copy.
ATC: Bonanza 456, you get a reroute! (This was said in an Oprah voice.)
ATC: Piper 789, and you get a reroute! (Continued in Oprah voice.)
Piper 789: Uh, well, OK. I was hoping for a new car.
Tom Leffingwell
Fort Lauderdale, FL

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