AVweb’s AirVenture 2008 Galleries: Day Two

-->The public arrived today for EAA AirVenture, and now the fun can really begin!

The public arrived today for EAA AirVenture, and now the fun can really begin!


Wayne Destoel marshalls attendees to the main gate ticket booth.

Controllers monitor Runway 09 arrivals Monday morning.

A Swearingen SX-300 approaches Runway 09 at Oshkosh.

Vintage Parking please, Mr. Lineman!

Departures were threaded between the many arrivals.

Attendees fly the hang glider simulator in the museum's KidVenture Gallery.

Riders go inverted in the full-motion simulator.

A member of the Nothern Aces Show Team teaches a show attendee how to fly radio control aircraft.

The Civil Air Patrol helped marshall incoming aircraft.

A Space Ship One replica hangs in the Innovations Gallery in the AirVenture Museum.

Caught in a sneak pass, an F/A-18 wakes up the crowd.

The afternoon crowd slowly grows bigger.

Evan Pierpont from Denver, CO takes a quick lesson on aeronautical charts at KidVenture.

Ted and Dorris Goulet look at one of the many artifacts in the AirVenture Museum.

Wishful thinking.

RV-4 sits in the Vans parking area.

A Cirrus arrives into Oshkosh.

Roger Sloan from California looks at the Space Ship Two model.

The Red Bull helicopter pulls it over the top.

Michael Goulian throws out the smoke in Monday's airshow.

Helicopter rides in a Bell 47 are available every day from Pioneer Airport.

The KidVenture Gallery in the museum has many interactive activities including this hot air balloon simulator.

George Farner launches an air rocket in one of the hands-on exhibits in the AirVenture Museum.

Wittman Regional Airport's new control tower.