Harrison Ford Joins Special Olympics Airlift

Harrison Ford will join more than 300 fellow Cessna Citation pilots in the 2010 Special Olympics Airlift to Lincoln, Neb. in 2010 as honorary chairman. Ford appeared at the National Business Aviation Association convention in Orlando on Sunday to lend his support to the effort, which is a favorite project of Cessna President Jack Pelton. Pelton and Ford also head up EAA’s Young Eagles program, and Pelton said it only took a phone call for the actor to agree to help out with the Special Olympics effort.

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Harrison Ford will join more than 300 fellow Cessna Citation pilots in the 2010 Special Olympics Airlift to Lincoln, Neb. in 2010 as honorary chairman. Ford appeared at the National Business Aviation Association convention in Orlando on Sunday to lend his support to the effort, which is a favorite project of Cessna President Jack Pelton. Pelton and Ford also head up EAA's Young Eagles program, and Pelton said it only took a phone call for the actor to agree to help out with the Special Olympics effort.

The airlift involves Citation owners donating the use of their aircraft to transport Special Olympics athletes to the national games, which happen every four years. In the last event in Ames, Iowa, more than 400 Citations brought 2,500 coaches and athletes to the games. Pelton said planning for 2010 is well under way, as the enormous logistical effort of funneling that many aircraft (all named Dove 1, 2, 3 and so on for ATC purposes) into a single airport for the event is laid out. Pelton said more aircraft are always welcome.