IMC Clubs Grow, Expand Offerings

The IMC Club, a nonprofit project that launched just about a year ago in Norwood, Mass., aims to help instrument-rated private pilots gain the confidence and skills they need to get the most out of their rating. Members meet once a month to advance their knowledge by sharing experiences or hosting a guest speaker. The project now has 28 chapters and about 1,000 members across the country, and Radek Wyrzykowski, one of the founders of the group, says they are now ready to launch “IMC Club 2.0.” The main advance is a new alliance with to provide “IFR Mastery” training materials for each monthly meeting.

The IMC Club, a nonprofit project that launched just about a year ago in Norwood, Mass., aims to help instrument-rated private pilots gain the confidence and skills they need to get the most out of their rating. Members meet once a month to advance their knowledge by sharing experiences or hosting a guest speaker. The project now has 28 chapters and about 1,000 members across the country, and Radek Wyrzykowski, one of the founders of the group, says they are now ready to launch "IMC Club 2.0." The main advance is a new alliance with to provide "IFR Mastery" training materials for each monthly meeting.

Wyrzykowski said other new aspects of IMC Club 2.0 are a partnership with Redbird flight simulators and stronger support for new chapters. He now goes to every new site to help them launch, and provides materials and guidelines. The group will have a presence at AOPA Summit in September, in Hartford, Conn. Wyrzykowski spoke with AVweb's Mary Grady in detail last week about how the clubs work and how pilots can participate. Click here to listen to the podcast.