LSA Rule Revisions Underway For IMC, Electric Motors
Committees from the light sport industry continued their work on Wednesday at EAA AirVenture to modify the ASTM rules to allow for electric propulsion and to sort out some complex issues regarding LSA flight in instrument conditions. The groups have been meeting periodically to discuss both topics and are gradually making progress. Oliver Reinhardt, of Flight Design, proposed a simple system that would clarify parameters for “basic IMC operation” to allow LSA aircraft to fly in IMC as long as they avoid severe-weather conditions. A working group focused on electric propulsion, which also met on Wednesday, hopes to finish most of its work within a year or so.
Committees from the light sport industry continued their work on Wednesday at EAA AirVenture to modify the ASTM rules to allow for electric propulsion and to sort out some complex issues regarding LSA flight in instrument conditions. The groups have been meeting periodically to discuss both topics and are gradually making progress. Oliver Reinhardt, of Flight Design, proposed a simple system that would clarify parameters for "basic IMC operation" to allow LSA aircraft to fly in IMC as long as they avoid severe-weather conditions. A working group focused on electric propulsion, which also met on Wednesday, hopes to finish most of its work within a year or so.
Adam Morrison, vice chairman of the ASTM LSA committee, told AVweb the group has already completed the development of a standard for electric propulsion units. The next step is to document the details of how such a system would be incorporated into an aircraft. That should be ready by this time next year, he said. After that, the FAA needs to modify its regulations to allow for electric propulsion. Electric motors were never deliberately excluded from LSA standards, he said, but at the time the standards were written, they simply weren't available. The details surrounding the LSA/IMC rules are complex, and don't apply to most LSA aircraft that are already flying. (Click here for more about this issue from Dan Johnson.) The groups will meet again in Tampa, Fla., this November to continue their work.