Oshkosh 2002 Image Gallery # 4 (of 4)

Our final photo gallery from Oshkosh 2002.

Osh 2002 Home

Survival Guide
TPL #38

Time to Fly
One of a Kind
Living History

Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3
Gallery 4

Click each individual picture for a larger image.

"The propeller-type thingy! It was right here!"


"Big mouth."

"Hard at work?"

"And then the little alien climbed out of here..."


"Who're you callin' tiny?"

"Wait, mom...I wanna get the bear."

"He'll be ok...just let him lay there a minute..."

"Ok, everyone! Line up...line up...and Big Smiles!"

"Um...dad...I have to go."

"And then *giggle* the bartender says *chortle* to the guy..."

"*sigh* Ok, but you'll have to ride on the skids."

"Cold feet? Me? Nooo...what's that over there?"

"They should change the name to Shade instead of Breeze."

"Bleedin' pigeons!!"

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