‘Planes’ Debuts At AirVenture

The director of Disney’s latest blockbuster animated movie says he hopes the knowledgeable audience at AirVenture Oshkosh finds it both inspiring and entertaining. Planes director Klay Hall said in an interview with AVweb the movie, which weaves a classic tale of grit, determination and a little luck overcoming adversity and various antagonists, was a lot of fun to work on and he hopes that translates for the AirVenture crowd.

The director of Disney's latest blockbuster animated movie says he hopes the knowledgeable audience at AirVenture Oshkosh finds it both inspiring and entertaining. Planes director Klay Hall said in an interview with AVweb the movie, which weaves a classic tale of grit, determination and a little luck overcoming adversity and various antagonists, was a lot of fun to work on and he hopes that translates for the AirVenture crowd. The movie officially opens Aug. 9 but a special preview screening was arranged for Aug. 2 at AirVenture's Fly-In Theatre. It was scheduled to be screened at 8:30 p.m.

Hall said the actors voicing the characters became enthralled with their roles and Anthony Edwards, the vocal chords behind fighter plane Echo (Val Kilmer is his wingman Bravo), recently got his pilot certificate so he was particularly excited about the role. Hall said there have been expectations raised about the movie's ability to inspire a new generation of pilots and he hopes that happens.