Short Final

It has happened about 50 years ago at the old Munich airport in Germany. The date was August 15, a Catholic holiday called Maria Ascension Day. In those days, there were often quiet moments over the radio. In one of these silent moments, a booming voice came over the R/T: … Unidentified Pilot: “This is Maria, still climbing.” … Radar: “No restrictions on your climb.” — Hans Koeners, via e-mail

It has happened about 50 years ago at the old Munich airport in Germany. The date was August 15, a Catholic holiday called Maria Ascension Day.

In those days, there were often quiet moments over the radio. In one of these silent moments, a booming voice came over the R/T:

Unidentified Pilot:
"This is Maria, still climbing."

"No restrictions on your climb."

Hans Koeners
via e-mail