Airlines Reminding Passengers Their Flights Are Not BYOB


With airlines clamping down on unruly passengers by suspending onboard sales of alcohol, a story published Monday (Sept. 20) in The Washington Post reminds ticket holders that flights are absolutely not BYOB. According to the paper, “The FAA says regulations ‘prohibit passengers from drinking alcohol on board the aircraft unless it is served by the air carrier.’”

And to be sure passengers are aware of the restrictions, some airlines are incorporating the message in their preflight passenger briefings, along with reminders of mask requirements and other COVID-prevention measures. In a statement, American Air Lines said that preflight announcements will reflect new information on mask rules, coronavirus safety measures and “policies related to on board alcohol consumption.”

“These announcements are made regularly throughout the travel journey by gate agents, flight attendants and by pilots,” according to the statement. While Delta and United have resumed selling drinks in the main cabin, there are limitations based on the length of the flight.

American and Southwest Airlines have suspended alcohol sales in the main cabin until at least next January.

While much of the passenger misbehavior is charged to the mask mandate, airlines agree that alcohol is certainly a contributing factor. According to the FAA, over the past several months, more than 20 passengers have been fined for offenses, including drinking alcohol they brought onto the aircraft.

Mark Phelps
Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.

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  1. People have to put up with airport parking, security, cattle gates, fees for everything AND THEN tiny uncomfortable seats with masks for several hours. After that, doing the airport thing again in reverse.

    Sheesh, that level of inhumanity by policy probably makes non-drinkers start to drink!

  2. What amazes me is that after all that nonsense people are still willing to spend their own money to be treated like that. The only time I am on an airline right now is when my company pays for it. Part of my job. Only in aviation!

  3. Y’know, if you can’t go the length of time between breakfast and lunch without requiring alcohol, you might have a problem. AA should leave flyers at the concourse bars.

  4. Just returned from ORD to PHX recently visiting my son. I only fly commercial a few times a year so I fly first class usually. Boarded after breakfast at Pilot Petes in Schaumburg, napped, and deplaned before lunch at home. Delightful flight sans booze and drunks with nary an expletive heard about the ‘cruelty, nonsense and inhumanity’ (almost a spittake just writing that) of the process. Thank you Delta and all the hard working folks involved in my transport. Money well spent.

    Here’s a few alternative modes of transport to consider if this amazing and safe mode of modern transport is just too much to bear for any sensitive dears out there:

    For my flight’s distance and terrain:
    -conestoga wagon train, with good weather – about four months.
    -walking – about three months
    -bicycle – about 30 days
    -auto – about two days
    -bus – about two days
    -amtrak – about a day and a half – or never

    Happy Trails!

  5. RE: Conestoga wagons. My father used to tell me stories of how pioneers crossed the prairies in wagons with a barrel of whisky on one side, for use in case of snakebite. On the other side, they carried a barrel of snakes.

  6. What happened? The social attitude graph for America was once a bell curve, with extremists tapering off into insignificance at left & right. Now it’s an exaggerated “M”, with only a handful of the centrist moderates who once were the bell’s peak now an insignificant, voiceless minority buried between flanking masses of… (censored).