NTSB Chair Nominated For Another Term


The Commerce Committee of the U.S. Senate will hold a hearing next Wednesday (April 10) on whether to nominate Jennifer Homendy for a new term as chair of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). President Joe Biden renominated Homendy for the post last month.

After working as a senior legislative staffer on transportation issues, Homendy has served on the NTSB since 2018 and began her term as chair in August 2021. She recently raised her profile by publicly criticizing Boeing for its lack of cooperation in the investigation into the door-plug separation on an Air Alaska 737 MAX that was less than a year old. After her angry critique, Boeing finally released the names of the 25 workers who were responsible for reinstalling the door plug.

Homendy has also raised public awareness to a string of near-miss episodes related to lapses in air traffic control, including a near-collision between a Southwest 737 and a FedEx cargo plane in Austin, Texas. That incident was one of seven close calls last year that, Homendy commented, “must serve as a wake-up call for every single one of us, before something more catastrophic occurs.”

Mark Phelps
Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.


    • Probably because she has not improved NTSB reporting is a “why not”
      Plenty of bad reports keep coming out of NTSB with no improvement under her tenure.
      If you like business over at the NTSB the she’s doing a fine job.

  1. She’ll do! Appointed to the NTSB first by President Donald Trump in 2018 and then nominated to serve as chair by President Joe Biden in 2021, Homendy’s tenure reflects bipartisan recognition of her expertise and leadership capabilities. Her confirmation by the Senate via voice vote for both her membership and chairmanship underscores broad support for her qualifications and approach to transportation safety.

  2. She is good and not a grandstander. Two in a row; Samwalt was very good.

    Not all chairman have been good. One, in particular, was awful.

  3. I think you meant to say “… the U.S. Senate will hold a hearing next Wednesday (April 10) on whether to *confirm* Jennifer Homendy…”

  4. After the election the witch hunting begins, but with someone with mud on their boots now it would seem pretty goofy to start looking for a replacement. No too many Joan Of Arcs out there but we don’t need a puppet on a string. Either you can do the job or naught. Pardon the Anglophone spelling>