On the Fly …
NASA criticized for giving away engines …Cessna sued over Caravan crash …Students invited to describe airplane of the future.
NASA is under criticism for allowing an engineering company to keep two jet engines paid for by NASA after the project it was working on was cancelled. DuPont Aerospace retained the $1.5 million worth of engines after the DP-2 project, a VTOL aircraft was cancelled (after more than $63 million was spent on it) ...
The parents of a skydiver killed in the crash of a Cessna Grand Caravan in October are suing Cessna claiming the aircraft was defective and shouldnt have been flying in icing conditions. Bryan Jones was among 10 who died in the crash in the Cascade Mountains ...
High school and college students can enter a new NASA competition to predict what a 21st century equivalent of a DC-3 might look and operate like. High school students will write essays while the college competition calls for designs.