On The Fly…

Crash survivors, pilot who died, got Montana Medals of Valor…New co-pilot rating to be implemented…Dig for Earhart began on Tinian…FAA investigates alcohol charges against pilot, flight attendant…Delta pilots accepted 32.5-percent pay cut…Handy Web page from the FAA.

Two survivors of a Montana plane crash and the pilot who died after trying to free a passenger were awarded Medals of Valor by the state last Wednesday. Jodee Hogg, 23, now of Missoula, and Matthew Ramige, 30, of Jackson, Wyo., walked away from the crash in September near Glacier National Park. Pilot Jim Long was honored posthumously for helping to free another passenger before they both died in the ensuing fire. Two others also died...

Co-pilots on two-pilot aircraft flying internationally will soon need a new rating. The second-in-command (SIC) rating is part of International Civil Aviation Organization standards but the U.S. doesn't have such a rating. U.S. pilots have been permitted to fly internationally under an exception. The ICAO is closing the loophole and member countries have warned they will ground U.S. pilots who don't conform...

Archeologists have begun looking for the remains of Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan on the island of Tinian in the Pacific. Using a backhoe to scrape away layers of soil, the team found stone tools, the sole of a shoe, beer cans and cloth but no bones. They also found an abandoned truck in the neighboring jungle...

The FAA is investigating allegations that a pilot and flight attendant broke alcohol rules in taking an AmericanConnection flight from Milwaukee to St. Louis on Oct. 25. The two were seen drinking the night before the 6.55 a.m. flight and arrived late. They were fired Nov. 3...

Delta Air Lines pilots have accepted a 32.5-percent pay cut over two years, followed by a wage freeze. The savings will amount to about $1 billion and help Delta avoid bankruptcy. Another 6,900 jobs will be cut, however...

Not new, but a handy Web page courtesy of the FAA. Looks like the folks at Flight Standards took a look at all the information they have in their databases, gave their best guess as to what pilots, maintenance people and others in aviation might want to find out and organized it in one easy-to-reference place. Nice.