Flight Gear Battery Pack Trial
The typical flight bag has a variety of gadgets that might need to be charged on the fly, but not all aircraft have USB ports up to the task. Sporty’s has a solution with the Flight Gear battery pack and what’s unique about it is the variety of output ports and the pack’s charging capacity. To see if it’s worth the $79.95 selling price, Aviation Consumer Editor Larry Anglisano ordered one and prepared this field report.
The typical flight bag has a variety of gadgets that might need to be charged on the fly, but not all aircraft have USB ports up to the task. Sporty's has a solution with the Flight Gear battery pack and what's unique about it is the variety of output ports and the pack's charging capacity. To see if it's worth the $79.95 selling price, Aviation Consumer Editor Larry Anglisano ordered one and prepared this field report.

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