As Europe Shows Interest In LSA

The new Light-Sport Aircraft (LSA) category in the U.S. has attracted a lot of attention in Germany, where many aviators would like to see similar rules adopted. “The chances aren’t so bad,” said Reiner Hls, of the German Aero Club, with what sounds to us like at least a hint of optimism. To promote the idea, EAA sent Mary Jones, editor of EAA Sport Pilot, and Dan Johnson, LSA marketing consultant, over to Aero Friedrichshafen to talk about the rules and also to look at potential new European LSA candidates. “There’s much interest in LSA here in Europe and in the sport pilot rules,” Jones said. “People are very interested in all aspects of the rule and how it might affect European flying.”

The new Light-Sport Aircraft (LSA) category in the U.S. has attracted a lot of attention in Germany, where many aviators would like to see similar rules adopted. "The chances aren't so bad," said Reiner Hls, of the German Aero Club, with what sounds to us like at least a hint of optimism. To promote the idea, EAA sent Mary Jones, editor of EAA Sport Pilot, and Dan Johnson, LSA marketing consultant, over to Aero Friedrichshafen to talk about the rules and also to look at potential new European LSA candidates. "There's much interest in LSA here in Europe and in the sport pilot rules," Jones said. "People are very interested in all aspects of the rule and how it might affect European flying." The show ran Thursday to Sunday. Daily air shows featured Yaks, a ME-109, synchronized gliders and Walter Extra flying the Extra 500. The fair attracts visitors from across Europe, Asia and the U.S.