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_______COLUMNS Say Again? #46: When Things Go WrongTo get your IFR clearance at a non-towered field, you could call Flight Service or the local Center RCO, but you know you’re gonna get a delay waiting for some arrival to cancel IFR. Just launch VFR and pick up your IFR clearance in the air, right? AVweb’s Don Brown knows it isn’t always that easy — or safe — for pilots and for controllers.
Say Again? #46: When Things Go Wrong
To get your IFR clearance at a non-towered field, you could call Flight Service or the local Center RCO, but you know you're gonna get a delay waiting for some arrival to cancel IFR. Just launch VFR and pick up your IFR clearance in the air, right? AVweb's Don Brown knows it isn't always that easy -- or safe -- for pilots and for controllers.

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