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COLUMNS Probable Cause #5: Improper ProcedureA pilot salvaging an approach ended up in a stall and spin when turning from base to final. Did good IFR conditions cause him to drop his guard? This week’s Probable Cause column presents some ideas. This report first appeared in AVweb’s sister publication, IFR Refresher. _____________WHAT’S NEW What’s New For May 2006This month AVweb’s survey of the latest products and services for pilots, mechanics and aircraft owners brings you logbook software, an airspace & weather review DVD, virtual radar and much more.
Probable Cause #5: Improper Procedure
A pilot salvaging an approach ended up in a stall and spin when turning from base to final. Did good IFR conditions cause him to drop his guard? This week's Probable Cause column presents some ideas. This report first appeared in AVweb's sister publication, IFR Refresher.
What's New For May 2006
This month AVweb's survey of the latest products and services for pilots, mechanics and aircraft owners brings you logbook software, an airspace & weather review DVD, virtual radar and much more.

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