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AVweb users can now offer their aircraft, parts, and accessories for sale on General Aviation’s most popular web site — with our new and improved Classified Ads section. To better qualify sellers and limit the number of non-aviation products on AVweb, we’ve instituted a nominal fee for each listing. Discover our new Classified section and get in on the ground floor of this exciting new marketplace. Browse our listings and place your ad today at http://www.avweb.com/sponsors/classifieds/avflash.
AVweb users can now offer their aircraft, parts, and accessories for sale on General Aviation's most popular web site -- with our new and improved Classified Ads section. To better qualify sellers and limit the number of non-aviation products on AVweb, we've instituted a nominal fee for each listing. Discover our new Classified section and get in on the ground floor of this exciting new marketplace. Browse our listings and place your ad today at http://www.avweb.com/sponsors/classifieds/avflash.

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