Thy Neighbor’s Keeper

Here’s a number to put in your little black book. It’s 866-GA-SECURE (866-427-3287) and it will be a direct line to the national Response Center where pilots can report any suspicious activity.

Here's a number to put in your little black book. It's 866-GA-SECURE (866-427-3287) and it will be a direct line to the national Response Center where pilots can report any suspicious activity. Transportation Security Administration director Adm. James Loy announced the toll-free number, in taped remarks, at AOPA Expo 2002 last Saturday. The number will be activated in December. The line, funded by the federal government, also becomes the linchpin of AOPA's Airport Watch program, which was developed earlier this year. "The one thing we needed help on was a single, easy-to-remember telephone number for pilots to report suspicious activities," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. Loy said the program, modeled after Neighborhood Watch, is a "great product" to help ensure security at GA fields. "Now, I encourage pilots across the country to participate," Loy said. AOPA is sending a brochure to every member and providing posters for FBOs. It's also produced a video for use in pilots meetings.