TSA Training CD Offered By NAFI

The Transportation Security Administration said in 2004 that all flight instructors must complete recurrent annual security training — but left it up to the aviation industry to develop its own materials. The National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI) has stepped in to that role, with a new CD-ROM. Required training, now available for $10. The course complies with TSA guidelines, NAFI says. Instructors must complete the material on the CD plus have a discussion with a local flight school owner or the manager of an FBO or airport. NAFI recommends that independent instructors get together as a group with the owner or manager to save time and create a more dynamic discussion.

The Transportation Security Administration said in 2004 that all flight instructors must complete recurrent annual security training -- but left it up to the aviation industry to develop its own materials. The National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI) has stepped in to that role, with a new CD-ROM. Required training, now available for $10. The course complies with TSA guidelines, NAFI says. Instructors must complete the material on the CD plus have a discussion with a local flight school owner or the manager of an FBO or airport. NAFI recommends that independent instructors get together as a group with the owner or manager to save time and create a more dynamic discussion. The NAFI course may be obtained by calling 800-843-3612.